3d Marine Regiment
November 1966
3d Marines conducted recon in force operations in
assigned area to detect enemy activity in area; attack and destroy enemy
forces located in area making maximum use of supporting arms; ensure
security of supporting units and installations located in assigned areas;
assume responsibility for coordination of all units in AO and of defensive
and administrative functions of mutual interest.
Command Post
3d Marines (YD 062548)
3d Bn, 3d Marines (XD 981582)
2d Bn, 9th
Marines (YD 063551)
Cold and wet weather during the end of the month
created a need for long underwear, field jackets and tent stoves. This came
as a complete surprise in that no one expected this type of weather from
briefings on Vietnam.
During the month the organizational structure of the
regiment changed with regard to the subordinate units, both operationally
and administratively.
The total number of incidents for the month of November
increased 13% over the period 17 to 31 October, which marks the beginning
of the 3d Marines deployment to QUANG TRI PROVINCE.
The enemy situation at the end of the month is marked
by sporadic contact such as ambushes and sniping incidents. The enemy has
the capability of attacking in Division-plus strength by repositioning
forces. In accordance with past performance the enemy is expected to
continue small unit actions unless he is forced to defend a vital base area
until extrication of supplies and units can be affected.
The major intelligence item of interest was the
indicated shift and relocation of enemy forces. Previous contact and
intelligence reports indicated elements of 324B NVA Division in the area.
Recent reports, captured documents and captives indicated the 341st
Division, specifically the 31st Regiment, has taken over this
area of operations with emphasis on controlling the CUA VALLEY.
VC units continue to move in Quang Tri Province with
most noticeable route within 3d Marines area of operations being a north
and south axis through the CUA VALLEY and XA/CAM LO area.
During the month of November, 3d Marines (Rein)
directed the defense of Camp J.J. CARROLL, Employing 2/9 and Marine and
Army Artillery units in the perimeter defense.
Commencing 30 November, the 3d Marines (Rein) employed 2
patrols of the Provisional Reconnaissance Unit (RVN) within the 3d Marines
area of operation.
040745H 3/3 commenced reorientation of the THON SON LAM defense by
displacing 2000 meters north of their former positions. This deployment was
undertaken to occupy more advantageous defensive positions in the THON SON
LAM area. The Battalion CP and Companies I, K, and M displaced north in two
phases with Company L remaining in place. The redeployment was completed by
10 Nov 66
Camp J.J.CARROLL was dedicated in
honor of Captain J. J.CARROLL, late of Company K, 3d Battalion, 4th
Marines, who was killed on 5 October in the attack on Hill 484 some five
miles northwest of the camp. The guest of honor was Brigadier General
L.E.ENGLISH, CG 3d MarDiv (Fwd); other guests in attendance included members
of 3d Battalion, 4th Marines, with a special detachment of
Company K. The honor guard was composed of Marine and Army units located at
110430H K/3/3 commenced a Reconnaissance in Force Operation of MUTTER
Ridge. The operation was secured at 122200H. Enemy casualties were 4 KIA
120800H E/2/9 commenced a Search and Destroy
Operation in the western half of the CUA VALLEY. The operation was
terminated at 151100H Enemy casualties were 5 KIA (conf), as the Company
engaged an estimated enemy platoon, which fled east toward MAI LOC.
152145H Command Group A and Companies G and
H/2/9 departed CAMP CARROLL to conduct a three phase
Search and Destroy Operation in conjunction with two companies of 1/2/1 ARVN
in the eastern end of the CUA VALLEY. Phase I commenced immediately and
involved clearing the MAI LOC/MAI DAM area and the destruction of enemy
fortifications therein. As a result of heavy contact, E/2/9 (-) was
committed during this phase. This portion of the operation was terminated
at 210800H.
200800H Phase II commenced, running concurrently
with a portion of Phase I, and involved a sweep of the small valley which
runs northeast from MAI LOC. Phase II involved G/2/9 and a company from
1/2/1 ARVN. This phase was terminated at 201600H.
210800H Phase III commenced as 2/9 (-) swept
north from the CUA VALLEY in a clearing operation of Route 558 in order to
open the road to military traffic. This phase of the operation ended at
211710H, which also marked the termination of the CUA VALLEY Operation as a
Results of the
operations in terms of enemy casualties were: 45 KIA (Conf), 33 by USMC; 24
KIA (prob), all by USMC, and 3 VCS, 2 by USMC. A vast enemy fortification
system in the MAI LOC/MAI DAM area was also destroyed and Route 558 was
opened to military traffic.
240900H Command Group A and Companies I and M/3/3 commenced a
Reconnaissance in Force Operation of the RAO VINH/CUA VALLEY area in
conjunction with 3/1/1 ARVN. Phase I commenced immediately and involved a
two pronged sweep of the RAO VINH Valley. This portion of the operation was
terminated at 280700H.
280700H Phase II began and involved a USMC sweep
of the eastern end of the CUA VALLEY in the MAI LOC area with the ARVN
forces setting up blocking positions to the north. This portion of the
operation was continuing as of 302400H November.