![Description: Description: Funeral Procession](2008%20Annapolis%20MD%20(6)_files/image003.png)
Honorary pall bearers were
Lt. Col. Le Ba Binh Vietnamese
Marine Corp (Ret)
Lt. Gen. Sir Henry Beverly, KCB,
Commandant General 1990-1994, Royal
Marines (Ret)
General Walter E. Boomer, USMC
Col. Wesley L. Fox, USMC (Ret)
Paul E. Galanti USNA ‘62
Charles F. “Chuck Goggin
Sgt, 1st Plt, Lima Co.
3/3, USMC
Lt. Gen. William M Keys, USMC
General Carl E Mundy, Jr., USMC
30th Commandant of the
Marine Corps
Jesse Torres
Cpl, RTO, Lima Co. 3/3, USMC