3/3 Orlando FL

Group Planning for Upcoming Reunions

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John Solbach, Rus Jewett, Jerry Glover

Description: Description: C:\Users\Rus\Pictures\Gruntfixer\Reunions\2008 Orlando\Orlando (114).JPG







Steve Marlin, Bud Wang, Francis McGowin, Doug Corrie

Description: Description: C:\Users\Rus\Pictures\Gruntfixer\Reunions\2008 Orlando\Orlando (118).JPG







NCOIC John Mick adresses the assembly

Description: Description: C:\Users\Rus\Pictures\Gruntfixer\Reunions\2008 Orlando\Orlando (116).JPG







Steve Marlin provides climatalogical information on Texas

Description: Description: C:\Users\Rus\Pictures\Gruntfixer\Reunions\2008 Orlando\Orlando (119).JPG







Doc Hoppy addresses the assembly

Description: Description: C:\Users\Rus\Pictures\Gruntfixer\Reunions\2008 Orlando\Orlando (120).JPG








              Billie Rizley and John Solbach

The results:

2010 reunion changed from Hawaii to Washington DC

2012 will be in centrally located in Branson MO

Description: Description: C:\Users\Rus\Pictures\Gruntfixer\Reunions\2008 Orlando\Orlando (128).JPG





1st 3/3 reunion for Jerry Baryo, radioman 2nd Platoon Lima Company. We last saw each other right after Jerry was wounded in the firefight on Highway 9 an August 21st , 1967.