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The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the




Staff Sergeant MELVIN P. NEU

United States Marine Corps


For service as set forth in the following




For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as Platoon Sergeant with Company L, Third Battalion, Third Marines, Third Marine Division on 2 March 1967, in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. During a search and clear mission near Cam Lo in Quang Tri Province, Staff Sergeant Neu’s platoon, advancing through a recently abandoned enemy base camp, came under heavy small arms and automatic weapons fire from concealed enemy positions. The platoon, accompanied by an additional squad, immediately returned fire and began maneuvering toward an opening in the dense jungle where they could better observe and fire upon the enemy. During the advance, the platoon commander and the radioman were both killed by enemy automatic weapons fire and Staff Sergeant Neu unhesitatingly assumed command. During the ensuing battle, he continuously disregarded his own safety and exposed himself to intense hostile fire to reorganize and consolidate his platoon for an assault on the enemy positions. Simultaneously, he skillfully directed the expeditious evacuation of all casualties and resupplied his unit with ammunition in preparation for the counter attack. After a reserve squad arrived to reinforce his unit and inspired by Staff Sergeant Neu’s leadership, the Marines aggressively assaulted the North Vietnamese positions and routed the enemy force without sustaining further casualties. Throughout the firefight, his sound tactical decisions, aggressive fighting spirit and uncommon courage contributed materially to his platoon’s destruction of the enemy force. By his exceptional leadership, military proficiency, bold initiative and selfless devotion to duty at great personal risk, Staff Sergeant Neu upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.


For The President



Lieutenant General, U. S. Marine Corps

Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific