The next day we set out to take care of business before enjoying China Beach. First we traveled to NSA hospital, near Marble Mountain. We made contact with HMC HORSLEY and made arrangements for the truck. We also dropped by the Optometry Lab and made arrangements for the plague vaccine, which we would pick up on our way back north. We then tried to find L/Cdr Miller at the White Elephant in the city of Da Nang, but were unsuccessful. We then headed for Camp Ten Sha and found LCU 1624, a landing craft that was large enough to travel the ocean, but small enough to get up the Cua Viet River at Dong Ha. We then went back to NSA hospital and got a truck. Then it was off to the Air Force PX to buy the beer. Everywhere we went in Da Nang we felt out of place, but especially at the Air Force PX. The guard at the gate was not going to let us in because our uniforms were faded, unstarched, and our boots were not polished. We informed him we were not from Da Nang, but Dong Ha. His response was "Where's that?" We explained it was where the real war was being fought. He still was not going to let us in, so I asked to see the duty officer. When he came I explained the situation and he let us in. The beer was purchased and loaded on the truck and then we delivered it to the Deep Water Pier where it was loaded aboard the boat. We then went back to China Beach.

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                View of Da Nang city from a water taxi crossing the canal from the mainland

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               Da Nang street scene. Marines are  L/Cpl J.L. Hascup and HN Steve Rozzi

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                Touring through the streets of Da Nang. L/Cpl J.L. Hascup was from Arkansas and liked his chewing tobacco

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                A Pedi cab rigged for the rain. Besides the bicycle, this was the most common form of transportation.