The next two days we spent body surfing, swimming, playing volleyball, sun bathing, playing nickel slot machines, eating hamburgers fries, milk shakes, and, of course, drinking beer.  In the evening we would have barbequed stakes, salad, pie and ice cream. At sundown we would watch movies. The ocean water was the warmest I have ever been in. It was like a Caribbean holiday. The people who worked there had it so easy they didn't know there was a war going on.

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                Beach area of China Beach. Pine trees and picnic tables, fine grain white sand and warm water.

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               Ready to hit the surf.


               I saw a special on Vietnam on PBS a few years ago. General Giap of the NVA was standing about this same spot at China Beach sometime in the 1980s giving an interview.

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                HN Steve Rozzi smoking a cigar.

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               By coincidence Ken Madfes showed up on the beach that day.  He had been transferred to Alpha Med in Phu Bai a month or so before and this was the first time I had seen him since Payable.  HM3 Ken Madfes and HN Steve Rozzi