On several occasions I went on MedCAP trips to Cam Lo. With HM1 Charles Parrish at the wheel of the Jeep ambulance, it was a wild ride. Once we arrived we would set up shop in front of one of the local's houses. These MedCAPs were slightly different than the ones I did in Ca Lu in that we also had along with us members of Battalion Intelligence (S2). While we were treating the patients, I believe they were trying to gather information on the Viet Cong in the area. They never would discuss what they were doing.

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                 Treating infected areas on the legs and arms of this kid. Marines are S2 S/Sgt. Cheever and I.



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                Youngster with his new shirt and shorts from C.A.R.E.

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                 Village kids. The boy on the right did not like us. He kept saying "I ca ca dau you, Marine!" while simulating a throat cutting motion. That's HM1 Charles Parrish behind me.

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                There's nothing like a good cold black market beer at 10 a.m. when the heat is over 100 degrees.