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                Loading on additional ammunition and supplies and then it's the Marines to the rescue.

                The trucks brought back the casualties to us. Among the wounded from Lima Company were 2nd Platoon Squad Leader Cpl. LBJ and Radioman L/Cpl Gerald BARYO. They were all checked and attended to if necessary and then sent back to Delta Med in Dong Ha.

                The NVA force was estimated at around two to three thousand. When it was all over a total of 109 NVA bodies were counted near the road. Observation from the air of the area on the hills above the ambush site accounted for another estimated 300 NVA killed by artillery and air strikes.

                17 days later on the 7th of September, the same thing happened. Another convoy was hit between Payable and Ca Lu. Again Lima Company was sent out to assist with their support and retrieval. That day Sgt. Lee JARVIS was MIA. (I knew Jarvis when he was a Cpl. and a Squad Leader when I was with Lima). Patrols were sent into the hills on the west side of the highway. His body was later discovered where he had been left by the NVA, some distance from the Highway.