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The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the




Hospital Corpsman Second Class JOHN KELSEY

United States Navy


For service as set forth in the following



                         For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Corpsman with Company L, Third Battalion, Third Marines, Third Marine Division in connection with operations against insurgent communist (Viet Cong) forces in the Republic of Vietnam.  On 3 March 1967, while conducting a search and destroy operation near Cam Lo in Quang Tri Province Company L received a heavy volume of enemy fire from concealed Viet Cong positions in a tree line. The initial burst of fire seriously wounded two Marines who fell in an open area.  Instantly reacting to the perilous situation despite the hostile fire, Hospital Corpsman Kelsey moved from his position of relative safety to the assistance of the wounded men.  While rendering medical aid dangerously close to the enemy, he observed a hand grenade fall a few meters from the wounded men. Disregarding his own safety, he unhesitatingly lay across one of the Marines to protect him from the impending blast.  When the grenade exploded, Hospital Corpsman Kelsey received serious fragmentation wounds.  Refusing treatment for his own wounds, he continued to aid the casualties and assist in moving them to relative safety. Not until all the wounded had been treated and evacuated did he submit to medical attention for his own wounds. His heroic actions prevented further injury of his patient and inspired all who observed him.  By his uncommon courage, fearless initiative and selfless devotion to duty, Hospital Corpsman Kelsey upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.


For The President



Lieutenant General, U. S. Marine Corps

Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific