Jewett, King, Klemanski, Banks.
This photo was taken the morning
that Russ King was being transferred to Da Nang. He was awaiting the convoy
that would take him to Dong Ha.
Donald J. Beam had been with India Company prior to coming to BAS.
Russell King was with us for only several weeks. I believe he said he was
from Philadelphia. He stated he was a nephew of Martin Luther King, Jr.
After writing several letters expressing how disappointed he was with being
attached to a forward combat unit, Russ was transferred to Special Services
in Da Nang.
HM3 Charles J. Klemanski had
seen action with Kilo Company before coming to BAS. He had received the
Bronze Star for heroic action under fire. We called him
"Bronze-star-ski". He was from El Paso, Texas.
James C. Banks had been with India Company before coming to BAS