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                Starting out on a routine patrol up the stream that ran into the west side of Payable where the hot showers were located. We went upstream for a while and then up into the hills to the south of Payable. Marines are Squad Leader Cpl. David SCHMOYER and Radioman PFC. Gary COVINGTON



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                2d Squad, 2d Platoon on patrol. This photo was taken somewhere south of Highway 9 between Payable and Camp J.J. Carroll. We had been humping through elephant grass all day and we finally broke out into a clearing.

                Marines (right to left) are M-60 Gunner L/Cpl. Nathan ELLINGTON, Assistant Gunner L/Cpl. Patricio CAMACHO, and Rifleman Pvt. Robert HORTON

                A day of walking through elephant grass would cause a great number of small lacerations on our forearms as we pushed the grass aside while walking through it. It was not unusual for these lacerations to become infected. A tube of antibiotic salve, regularly applied, usually took care of the infection.






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                On another patrol in Jungle near Payable.  Cpl. Gerald BARYO, Radioman.