Several photographers from Stars and Stripes showed up at our position. They interviewed us and had us pose for pictures telling us that they would be sending the photos to our home town newspapers.



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             This is the picture and article that ended up in the Fort Bragg Advocate News a month and a half later. The same one was seen also in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat. 


                It is interesting to read the text in the last 3 paragraphs. Obviously straight from Stars and Strips Headquarters


                A day or so later Mike Company returned to the Punch Bowl and we moved back to Payable. On a foggy evening two helicopters flew in and landed on Highway 9 near the Lima Company's Command Post. It drew enough attention that I decided to take this photo.




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                Looking west from 2nd Platoon area at Payable. Tank in the foreground has a 155mm cannon. Two helicopters, a UH-34 and a UH-1E Huey, can be seen beyond near the Lima Command Post

                Not long after the choppers landed we were issued 2 cans of beer per man at our previously dry position.  Up to this evening the only beer we had was that in our radio messages. When on patrol, we used names of beers to inform our CP as to our progress.